
Ryan Dempsey is a game designer who is focused on utilising game mechanics in innovative ways that aid him to create entertaining and engaging user experiences. He is a recent graduate of the Academy of Interactive Entertainment in Sydney, where he obtained an Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development.

A monumental moment during Ryans studies came when the game he was lead designer of, OverThrone was used for promotional material by the College for subsequent open days. This high acclaim from AIE and its academics is recognition of his achievement in leading a successful team.

A participant of Global Game Jam, Ryan and his team developed 'Roll With It!’, a 3D platformer, which has the player take control of Rolling Ball-Tron (aka RBT), who needs to repair a rocket to escape the junkyard. His skill set is an accumulation of both industry experience and self training, which has come about by developing solo projects since graduating.

At present he is developing a narrative based first-person exploration game, set onboard a spacecraft which he hopes to publish in 2024.

You can reach him at